Mission Statement:
Create a successful, learning environment centered around students, directed by teachers, supported by home and community.
Vision Statement:
To be known for producing successful and progressive leaders of tomorrow.

To apply for enrollment with Waverly City Schools, a parent/guardian will need to complete a registration form and a request for student records form. The parent (guardian) will need to submit the following documents:
The child's certified birth certificate (not hospital birth card)
The childs immunization records
The child's Social Security Card/number
Proof of residency for the parent/guardian (utility bill, rent receipt, mortgage lease or purchase, etc)
Photo ID of the parent/guardian registering the child
Any custody papers that may apply to the child
These documents, registration form, and request for student form must be brought to the Administration office of Waverly City Schools (located in the High School building). Please see Registar Kim Leffler. She may be contacted at 740 941-5831. Her office hours are 7:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. Monday - Friday.
New students are usually able to start school 24 hours after the enrollment process has been completed. After the student has been approved for enrollment, the parent/guardian will need to log onto Final Forms and complete the additional enrollment forms required for each school building. The link to access Final Forms or https://waverly-oh.finalforms.com/

Kim Leffler, EMIS Coordinator/Registration
Notification for Parents regarding Talented and Gifted Services
Please click Parents-Service and ID and test brochure for information